"Now That You are Born Again authored by Peter Louis is a must read for laying the foundation for a long and joyous relationship for new believers. I personally want it in the hands of every new believer in our ministry! It’s a must read book with the potential to anchor your faith in truth!"
T.D Jakes Sr., The Potter’s House of Dallas, NY Times Best Selling Author
“Peter Louis is an amazing man of God! He is an amazing teacher as well, with a true pastoral heart for the bride. This book gives hands-on keys for what to do once you’re saved. It is one of the most incredible processes to dive into. Discipleship is at the heart of the message of the glorious Gospel! The good news!”
Todd White, Founder and President of Lifestyle Christianity

"Like a new building, a new believer needs a strong foundation to undergird and provide a base for their new spiritual life. In Now That You Are Born Again, my friend Peter Louis provides foundational truths for believers to grow and mature in their faith.
John Bevere, Best-selling Author and Minister,
Co-founder of Messenger International & MessengerX
About the Book
If you don't understand God's perfect design for spiritual growth, you will not grow up into your salvation! And if you're not growing up, you will wander around in Christianity confused, frustrated and stuck in your sin. Now That You Are Born Again is a simple, practical guide to understanding the four things needed for you to grow up into your salvation. As you discover the simplicity, beauty and power of God's design for your spiritual life, growing up into your salvation will be a joyful experience.
In this book you will discover that God has designed everything to grow in the same way, including the born-again believer! In God's perfect design you need the following...
1. A Good Seed
2. A Healthy Environment
3. Nourishment
4. Time
When all four of these elements are in place, with ANY living thing, growth will occur! In this book, you will discover the keys to supernatural and joyful spiritual growth as you understand these four elements and how they apply to your Christian life.
When someone says yes to the call of God, the heavens roar, the body of believers celebrates and the new believer says goodbye to the former way of life and hello to the new, better way.
If we are honest, the new and better way can often be confusing and overwhelming. What does salvation mean? What is the purpose of the Christian life? Who are we in God? How do we grow?
Now That You Are Born Again answers these questions with simplicity. It brings clarity and direction to the new and old believer alike. It establishes a firm foundation in the Christian mind, explaining who man is, who God is, what growing up into salvation means and how to look like the very one whose blood has saved us.
This book exists for the church. It establishes a firm, true foundation for new Christians so that they can grow up into salvation in the beautiful way that God perfectly designed. It’s also for the seasoned Christian, purposed to renew the mind to the goodness of God, break off wrong ideas of God and man, and establish the end goal of Christlikeness.
Get this book into your church body and watch as true and holy growth begins to spring up from new and old believers alike.
Let’s grow up into salvation… the way God, our loving gardener designed.
PETER K. LOUIS and his wife, Kristi, live in Dallas, Texas with their five children. More than a decade ago, Peter was commissioned by God with one simple, faith-filled call: run with the gospel. Peter has been running ever since. He is the founder and visionary of Braveheart which exists to strengthen the faith of the Church and equip the Body of Christ to walk in love and Christlikeness.
From professional athlete to businessman to consultant to pastor and teacher, Peter’s rich background includes a variety of roles which have afforded him unique leadership insights and cultural perspectives.
Today, he hosts The Braveheart Podcast, preaches throughout the United States, produces online video courses to grow believers into Christlikeness, and is author to four books: Back to the Gospel, Back to Pentecost, Keep the Blood Warm and Now That You Are Born Again.
Peter loves being with his family, running, hunting, golfing, coaching kids’ soccer, fishing and one day dreams of living on a farm.
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